Monday, April 29, 2013

Group Differences Forum

I found the Group Differences Forum to be extremely interesting and informing. A lot of the things that we discussed as a group I have heard a ton in my cohort because we are Urban Multicultural and we touch on a lot of similar issues. It was cool, though, to see differing cohorts' views on the topics and also see how different teachers use techniques to help/hinder their children. 
The most interesting part for me was the discussion about Special Education in the classrooms. There was a lot of discussion about helpful methods that I will most definately apply in my classroom such as allowing the students chose whichever way is best for them to understand material such as walking around the classroom, sitting in their chair backwards, or sitting on the ground. I will hopefully gain a better understanding of my children as indivduals. 
It was a very helpful technique and I hope that you all use it next year to help mold others' understandings of such prominent topics, too. 

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